The important task of managing equipment within organizations is not always optimal. Most companies distribute their inventory internally without systematically updating status, then the material is redistributed among employees as requested, and so on. The resulting problem is therefore a very poor overview of the company’s assets movements, leading to loss of time and equipment, theft, errors in data accuracy and more!

Making an informed choice of an inventory tool adapted to the needs of the company is a crucial element in order to remedy these difficulties encountered.
The outdated use of Excel
As described in more detail in a related article on Excel inventory management, Excel is not the answer for a good asset tracking management.
Say goodbye to manual management systems where the hours spent on an Excel spreadsheet are endless and tedious and welcome instead an automated inventory management system within your organization !
Why choosing an automated management software ?
Unlike manual systems like Excel, automated softwares are more flexible and the information is easier to retrieve. You will take comfort in that, thanks to a significant reduction in your management time, while having constant control over your assets, thus limiting the losses incurred. Add to that a better accounting of your assets ensuring a permanent traceability. Your most complex needs will be met efficiently and easily.
What is an automated management software ?
An automated inventory management software is considered to be an ally to any business, maximizing management and saving time. Its main roles are to maintain reliable, accurate and timely traceability of stocks in real time while distributing them throughout the organization. With a management software, the assets are first manually indexed, to feed the database, and then the platform takes care of the rest, greatly reducing the waste of time in the inventory modification.
Once filled in, inventory tracking and management is done automatically, leaving time for business members to focus on their other responsibilities. By opting for a profitable technology of this kind, companies are freed from frequent and heavy workloads and inventory taking, thus generating an immediate return on investment !
Prevent inventory theft
When you’re not sure where your inventory is, it’s easy for someone to simply take it with him, without you even realizing it.
Not systematically keeping track of the material will create opportunities for employees or customers to appropriate certain items without paying for it. It will be difficult for you to either notice it or prove it without rigorous follow up in place. This could lead to unnecessary investments in assets that you already had in your possession …
With inventory management software, you’ll be better protected against dishonest acts and you’ll be the first to know if things go away.
Keeping inventory at your fingertips, accessible anywhere in the cloud
Having to manage your inventory when the database has only one access is a real obstacle for the members of a company. These ones are forced to move each time while trying to remember the changes in the inventory, or taking notes, and the source of error and confusion is bigger.
With live synchronized data in the cloud, you can have access to asset information at any time – no matter where. This gives employees the possibility to make changes from any device (computer, mobile …), only an internet connection is necessary.
Do not suffer the consequences of inefficient inventory management. Set up an automated management software like Hector in your business and discover the immediate benefits of using it !