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  3. Explanatory guide to loan statuses

Explanatory guide to loan statuses

Statuses have an important role when using the loaner module and understanding their impact on the progress of a reservation in your organization will allow you to get the full benefits of the application.

  • Name = The name of the status as it will appear in Hector.
  • State= A field used for processing (not displayed in the application).
  • Purpose = What the status is used for.
  • Validation = Used when validating new reservations with the start and finish dates, as well as the lines.
CancelledArchivedRepresents a loan that is no longer active and discarded.No
RefusedArchivedRepresents a reservation that has been declined by a staff member using the refuse action in the loaner action menu.No
CompletedArchivedA completed reservation where all of the items have been returned and there are no pending tasks.No
Awaiting ApprovalNot StartedA reservation that has just been created and is awaiting approval or refusal by a staff member.Yes
NewNot StartedA reservation on which no preparation work has taken place. This is also the status when a loaner is approved.Yes
AssignedNot StartedWhen a reservation is assigned to a staff member, it becomes assigned. This status is useful if the stockroom has several people who can process loans at the same time.Yes
OutIn ProgressWhen a reservation is checked out to the user, the loaner is given the out status.Yes
OverdueIn ProgressWhen a checked out loaner is not returned by its finish date, it automatically falls into overdue status after 15 minutes.

The overdue status may trigger a notification process to the requester depending on the stockroom settings.
ReturnedFinishedWhen a loan is returned but there are still tasks that need to be done before it can be completed.

For example, recharging batteries, validating the status and confirming that nothing is missing.
DamangedFinishedIf any or all of the items have been damaged, this status will allow the team to perform the necessary tasks on the assets before making them available for loans.No

Updated on August 7, 2023

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