Compare Hector to AssetLabs
Unlimited users
500 assets
$63.99/mo$100 for
100 devices -
Track Assets
Track By User-
Track Purchase/Lease Information-
Track Asset Expiration-
Track Repairs-
Track Loaners-
Track Depreciation-
Track Software, Versions, Licenses, Compliance
Track Warranty-
Track Documents, Photos, Videos-
Track Insurance Policy Information-
Equipment Raffles-
Barcode Generation & Entry-
Email Notifications-
Work Orders-
Maintenance Scheduling-
Multiple languages-
Multiple Rights & Permissions
Multiple Currencies-
Custom Fields-
Custom Reporting & Exporting-
Change History/Audit
Hosted On-Premise--
Hosted Cloud-
Discovery Hardware Asset--
Discovery Software Asset-
Active Directory Integration-
Multi-Factor Authentication-
Mobile App-
Azure Integration-
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