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November 1, 2023
Reading time: 4 minutes

4 tips to improve your fixed assets management

Fixed assets management is one of the most important processes in any business. It’s responsible for maintaining and accounting for tangible, intangible and financial assets within a company. Here are some tips to get started improving your fixed assets management system.

4 tips to improve your fixed assets management

Creating an accurate fixed assets list is an important aspect of fixed asset management. A fixed assets list is a comprehensive record of all the tangible, intangible and financial fixed assets that a company owns. These assets are typically long-term in nature and are used to generate revenue for the business.

Tip 1: Having accurate fixed assets

Creating an accurate fixed assets list is an important aspect of fixed asset management. A fixed assets list is a comprehensive record of all the tangible, intangible and financial fixed assets that a company owns. These assets are typically long-term in nature and are used to generate revenue for the business.

Having an accurate fixed assets list helps improve fixed asset management in several ways.

First, it allows the company to track and monitor the performance and condition of its assets. This is important for several reasons. By regularly inspecting and maintaining them, companies can extend their useful life, especially if they have a preventive maintenance plan, which can help reduce costs and improve operational efficiency.

An accurate fixed assets list also helps the company identify any assets that are underperforming or in need of repair or replacement. This can help prevent costly downtime or accidents.

Second, an accurate list helps companies accurately account for their assets for financial reporting purposes. This is important because fixed assets typically represent a significant portion of a company’s balance sheet. Accurate asset records allow companies to accurately report their values, which is important for investors and other stakeholders.

Finally, an accurate fixed assets list can help companies optimize their utilization. By regularly reviewing their list, companies can identify assets that are underutilized or not being used at all. This can help the company make better decisions to keep or dispose of, and how to allocate resources more efficiently.

Tip 2: Focus on Inter-Department Coordination and Cooperation

Although fixed assets management is normally conducted by one department, it is important to establish regular meetings between each department.

It will help them stay informed about how the other departments operate, and make sure everyone is working toward a shared goal of effective asset management.

This will also allow for better decision-making across departments so that everyone knows what’s happening in their own area as well as those around them—even if they don’t directly interact with each other.

Tip 3: Having a strict procedure and clear guides 

Having a strict procedure and clear guides for managing fixed assets can be extremely beneficial for an organization. It helps to ensure that all fixed assets are properly accounted for and that they are being utilized effectively.

A strict procedure also helps to prevent errors and discrepancies in the tracking and management of fixed assets. By providing clear guidelines, employees know exactly how to handle them and can avoid making mistakes that could be costly.

Overall, having a strict procedure and clear guides for managing fixed assets helps to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and mitigate risks.

Tip 4: Use fixed asset management software

Asset management software can help improve fixed asset management by automating and streamlining various processes. With an asset management system, organizations can easily track and manage their fixed assets.

This can help reduce the risk of loss or theft, as well as improve asset utilization and maintenance. The software can also provide real-time data on the location, condition, and value of assets, helping organizations make informed decisions about asset allocation and disposal.

Additionally, asset management software can help organizations comply with relevant regulations and standards, such as those related to financial reporting and tax compliance.

Are you ready to better manage your fixed assets now?

Fixed asset management should be at the core of each and every business. By following these tips and taking advantage of the asset management software, you can make sure that your fixed assets are tracked and managed efficiently. Furthermore, you ensure that they remain a valuable asset to your company.

Which fixed asset management software to use?

Hector is an asset management software that we’ll help you sort it out within your company by keeping track of all your tangible, intangible and financial assets. This way you can quickly get an overview of all your assets and the value of your investments.

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