Many companies were caught off guard when the health emergency was declared. Within days, employees were forced to work from home to limit the spread of COVID-19. Telecommuting has brought its own set of challenges to IT departments in order not to interfere with business operations.
The benefits of remote working
For employees
Despite the return of face-to-face activities, many workers have expressed their desire to not return to the office. For some, teleworking definitely brings its own set of benefits:
1- Productivity
Depending on the work environment, employee productivity has been significantly increased. Indeed, at home, there are (often) fewer distractions than in the workplace.
2 – Flexibility of working hours
Flexible hours make it easier to balance personal and professional life. By working from home, it only takes a few minutes to start the day, and the employee avoids the stress and time-consuming morning and evening drive to the office.
For employers
Employers can also benefit, such as savings on company expenses (rent, electricity, etc.). Also, it is no longer mandatory to limit yourself to the region where the company is located to recruit employees.
With teleworking, companies can recruit the best talent, regardless of their location. Under the right remote working conditions, employees are more productive, and take less sick time.
The Flex office trend
As 100% teleworking is not suitable for everyone, some companies want to review their organization. One of the options is the Flex Office, which can be defined as a workspace where no one has a dedicated office.
Companies are getting a smaller workspace, but large enough to accommodate a number of employees at the same time in the office. The Flex office also meets the need for freedom by choosing to work from home or from the office depending on the mood or the tasks to be done. Of course, there are closed rooms available for phone calls or meetings, and user-friendly spaces such as a break room and cafeteria.